Dec. 15 Worship Service Cancelled
After much deliberation and review of the weather forecast, we have decided to cancel our worship service for Sunday morning. We want everyone to stay safe and stay off the roads; this is the advice given by the forecasters. Advent blessings to all, and much joy.
December Newsletter
Get the latest news - the December issue of Steeple Views is now available on the Steeple Views page!
New Sermons Added
We've just added some recent sermons. If you've missed our Worship Service or just want to review Mary's words again, just click on the Sermons page!
November Newsletter
The latest issue of the newsletter is now posted on the Steeple Views page!
October News and Calendar
The October Steeple Views and the October Calendar are now available here! Check back often for easy access!
October Newsletter Now Available
Go to the Steeple Views page to read the latest news from FCCW!
Latest News
The latest Steeple Views is now available on the Steeple Views page.
Profile of Rev. Mhururu
You can view a profile of Rev. Mhururu, our Sabbatical Minister. You will need Powerpoint Player to view. Rev A G Mhururu Profile
Another Sermon Posted
If you weren't there to hear it in person, here's the next best thing. Rev. Mary's sermon of July 21 is now posted on our Sermons Page.