Maundy Thursday Service
On Holy Thursday- Maundy Thursday come witness the emotional movement from light to dark as we recall the final new commandment Jesus gave to his followers at his final Passover meal: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” (John [...]
Treasure Shop Open Wed. and Sat.
The Treasure Shop is open this season on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. until October 12 at the Old Town Hall, 2695 Wakefield Road in Wakefield, NH. It is located in the historic village of Wakefield Corner which is also home to the Wakefield Library, and the Wakefield Inn, and the [...]
Kids’ Music Camp
Summer Music Camp - July 29 to August 2 - 9 a.m. to noon. Come to the First Congregational Church of Wakefield Kid’s Music Camp July 29 – August 2, 2024, from 9am-12 noon for Grades 1 & up! There will be Music Training, Crafts, Games, Songs, Snacks and FUN! NO CHARGE. Click to register [...]
Village Fair
FCCW Wakefield Rd, Sanbornville , NH, United StatesThe Parish Helpers’ Village Fair and Cookie Walk will be held on Saturday, August 10 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the First Congregational Church of Wakefield NH, United Church of Christ. Come by and enjoy the famous Cookie Walk – choose your own selection from a huge variety of homemade cookies. [...]
SAVERS Collection
We will have our next collection soon! Drop off your bagged donations at the church. Various times - see info below. Socks, Underwear. Soft household items such as Bedding, Towels, etc. regardless of condition are also acceptable. Please bag your items in plastic bags and securely tie them. (13-gallon kitchen bags work very well.) As [...]
Fall Pancake Breakfast
Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Delicious pancakes your way -- pumpkin, blueberry, chocolate chip, gluten free, and original -- served with eggs, sausages, muffins, coffee, tea and juice. Adults $9.00 Kids $6.00 Kids 4 and under eat free! All proceeds support humanitarian shipping container for Zimbabwe.
Harvest Fair
FCCW Wakefield Rd, Sanbornville , NH, United StatesThe Harvest Fair will be held on November 9th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You will find crafters selling handmade items, Pies and Baked Goods, Gift Baskets, Jewelry, and Cookie Walk. Don’t miss the Penny Sale featuring many local business gift certificates! Something for everyone - a great opportunity to do some holiday shopping [...]
Giving Tuesday
Alternative Gift Giving If you are looking for a gift for the person who has everything, consider donating to charity in their name. You can donate to Local and Global options spaning from the Wakefield Community to Zimbabwe. LOCAL PROGRAM The Feddern Diaconate Discretionary Fund provides temporary emergency assistance to individuals and families in need [...]
Christmas Caroling
Let us gather on December 21st (storm date on the 22nd) to sing carols and make merry! There are neighbors in our town who could use a bit of Christmas cheer, so let us carry a song to them. We will: * gather at the church at 3:30PM and pack into 3 [...]
Candlelight Service
All are welcome to join us for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service on December 24th. FCCW is at 2718 Wakefield Road, across the street from the Wakefield Inn. We will also offer Zoom/ Facebook worship and you can find the links at our website homepage.
Dining With Friends
Dining with Friends The Men’s Fellowship Group is coordinating another dinner party. We would love it if you could join us, everyone is welcome. This time we are planning to go to the Lodge at Moose Mountain Recreation. We have reservations for 6:00 pm, on January 15th. George Ackerman is coordinating the event, so you [...]
Souper Bowl Soup Sale
FCCW Wakefield Rd, Sanbornville , NH, United StatesSouper Bowl Soup Sale - 2025 We are once again having a Souper Bowl Soup Sale! We are offering a wide variety of soups, including vegetarian options, for takeout! Soups must be pre-ordered and pre-paid and will be available for pickup at the church (address below) on Saturday, February 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 [...]
Prayer Shawl Ministry – 3rd Tuesday
Wakefield Community Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in 2010 and follows the model of Shawl Ministry started by Janet Bristow and Victoria Galo in 1998. We meet monthly to make shawls, bless completed shawls and share prayer concerns. The shawls are distributed to people celebrating joys or struggling with illness and loss. The Prayer Shawl [...]