CPR/ AED Training
NH CPR Safety Services will hold training sessions at FCCW on two dates: Saturday, January 13 at 10 a.m. Saturday, February 16 at 10 a.m. Cost: $25 per person and preregistration is required. Call the office at 522-3189.
Crock Pot Dinner
The Men's Fellowship will host a Crock Pot Dinner on Sunday, February 25th at 5 p.m. Suggested donation: $5. Not sure what will be offered, but we do know that Barry will be making pulled pork! Join us for a good meal with lots of fun and fellowship!
Lenten Worship Series
Lent and Easter Preaching Series Pastor Mary is planning a preaching series for Lent and Easter on the theme of “What Are You Up To?” This is an interesting question to place in conversation with one another, our lives, and the scriptures. What are we up to, in light of God’s call and God’s promises? [...]
Service of Tenebrae
Maundy Thursday Service of Tenebrae, March 29 Some people say it is the worship service that they find the most affecting of all the worship services offered in the life of the church. All ages 12 and above are invited to this solemn, contemplative service of Holy Communion, readings, music, and gradually extinguishing candlelight as we [...]
Lenten Bible Study Series
Beginning on Tuesday, February 20th, Bible Study will switch into Lenten "gear" as we delve in the UCC's Stillspeaking Writer's Group 2018 Lenten Devotional entitled "Lovers and Fools". Every Tuesday in Lent, we will come together from 12:00-1:00 to discuss and share our feelings & observations for the week's readings leading up to class. Please consider joining us in what [...]
Contra Dancing
Contra dancing is a traditional New England type of folk / square dance. Knowing how to do it is not required. The caller will teach you, and most of the steps involve basic moves—nothing fancy and it does not require a partner as all participants will be your partner at some point in the dance. [...]
Centering Prayer
Sharing our Stories, Praying for and With One Another All are welcome to attend our Centering Prayer Circle, a time of "checking in" with church friends who share with one another the joys and concerns in their lives, and then pray together in word and in silence. We gather on some Tuesday afternoons at 3 [...]
Hand Bell Concert
“Movie Memories and Christmas Magic” “Movie Memories and Christmas Magic” is a joyous, beautiful and entertaining hand bell concert which will be held on Dec. 1, 2018. It will be performed by the Wakefield Memorial Hand Bell Choir which is a member of the “Handbell Musicians of America Guild”. The Bell Choir has been preparing many [...]
Farewell Service
A farewell service for Rev. Mary James will be held on Sunday, December 2nd, at 10 am at our church, to be followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall. Rev. Mary James served our church for twelve years and is much loved by her parishioners as well as by members of the community-at-large with [...]
Pot Luck and Film Screening
You are invited to a potluck, movie and discussion hosted by the Outreach Ministry to be held on Wednesday, February 27, in the Fellowship Hall. The Devil We Know (2018) is a documentary showing the impact of citizens in West Virginia when they take on a powerful corporation for dumping toxic chemicals in the [...]
Palm Sunday Service
Join us for Palm/Passion Sunday-April 14th at 10am as we “Give It A Rest” and lay our palm branches down to welcome Jesus who has taught us how to carry a fitting yoke. Then we hear the Wakefield Memorial Bells ring the Hymn of Promise before we are reminded how easily love turns to hate… [...]
Easter Sunday Worship
He Has Risen! He Has Risen Indeed! The sweet aroma of resurrection will fill our hearts and minds on Easter Sunday, April 21st at 10am. Come rejoice in Resurrection Joy!
Dress A Girl
Dress a Girl Around the World is a Campaign under Hope 4 Women International (a 501 (c) 3 organization) bringing dignity to women around the world since 2006. Hope 4 Women International is a nondenominational independent Christian organization whose dream is a world where every girl has at least one new dress and knows that they are worthy of respect, [...]