Christmas Bells in the Village
FCCW Wakefield Rd, Sanbornville , NH, United StatesChristmas Bells
Christmas Pageant
The Twelve Days of Christmas Greeting Join us for the Rock Star Production of THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS. The pageant this year looks at the meaning of the familiar song. The Rock Stars will explain how it all originated and Wow you with new [...]
Angels and Mortals Revealed
FCCW Wakefield Rd, Sanbornville , NH, United StatesJoin us for worship on the First Sunday of Epiphany. During coffee hour we will find out who as been our "angel" during the weeks of Advent and Christmas!
Prepared to Serve
Pembroke Academy Pembroke, NH, United States“I Planted, Others Watered, but God Gives the Growth.” Each year members of the NH Conference & our friends & affiliates come together at Pembroke Academy for a day-long event, featuring 50+ workshops offered on a variety of fascinating topics, The day includes an uplifting morning worship, breakfast, lunch, and refreshments, 30+ exhibitors, and ample [...]
Lenten Sunday Book Discussion
Please join us on Sunday mornings beginning on the first Sunday of Lent, March 5th, at 9 a.m. for coffee and discussion. Location will be posted in the church. We’ll be reading daily devotions from the Stillspeaking Writers' Group, Diving Lessons, and will talk about those readings as we gather. The books are in. Please pick one [...]