The Harvest Fair will be held on November 9th from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. You will find crafters selling handmade items, Pies and Baked Goods, Gift Baskets, Jewelry, and Cookie Walk. Don’t miss the Penny Sale featuring many local business gift certificates! Something for everyone - a great opportunity to do some holiday shopping [...]
Please consider joining us for our next Faith Formation study entitled THE ANATOMY OF A CHRISTIAN: A ZINE ON PRIVILEGE AND SOLIDARITY. This will be a 5 week study and a brief description of the material contents follows: In the face of racism, inequality, prejudice, and privilege, do you ever wonder what next steps you can […]
A Ukulele Club will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 6 to 7:30 pm, in the downstairs Fellowship Hall of FCCW. Acclaimed musician, Lance MacLean will be leading all ages in instruction, songs, and most of all, FUN. Cost of $10.00 per person, per session, $5.00 for each additional family member. We have a few loaner ukuleles available for those who do not have one yet. First Come, First Served. Any questions, contact Buddy Dee at